Saturday, April 3, 2010

Chinese Readers

An effective and fantastic readers. Work similar to Peter and Jane ladybird book, which gradually introduce and increasing new words. The child will be confidence in reading the book in no time.

Readers + CD (story telling)
1。幼儿首100字 (8 readers + 1 CD) - $25.50
2。幼儿首200字 (8 readers + 1 CD) - $25.50
3。幼儿首300-400字 (8 readers + 2 CDs) - $31.50
4。幼儿首500字 (2 readers + 1 CD) - $12.50
5。幼儿首600字 (2 readers + 1 CD) - $12.50
6。幼儿首700字 (2 readers + 1 CD) - $12.50
7。幼儿首800字 (2 readers + 1 CD) - $12.50

Workbooks (for reinforce learning; set of 4 books excpet for series #4) - $11.60

1。幼儿学华语 + 幼儿学写字 (1 上/下) - $11.60 (set of 4 books)
2。幼儿学华语 + 幼儿学写字 (2 上/下) - $11.60 (set of 4 books)
3。幼儿学华语 + 幼儿学写字 (3 上/下) - $11.60 (set of 4 books)
4。幼儿学华语 + 幼儿学写字 (4 上/下) - $23.20 (set of 8 books)

sample pictures of 幼儿首100字

sample pictures of 幼儿学华语 + 幼儿学写字

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